Monday, September 30, 2019

The Yellow Wallpaper Analysis Paper

Individuality and the importance of upholding women’s rights, such as viewing a woman as a respectable, free-willed human being, are the essential truths established in Charlotte Perkin Gilman’s â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper. † Through the development of the narrator Gilman uses symbolism and imagery to awaken the reader to the reality of what a woman’s life was like in the 1800’s. Analysis of the symbolism throughout the story reveals that the author was not only testifying to the social status of the women in society but specifically giving insight into her personal life, and what she was subjected to. What appeared to be a mere, contrite story to many readers, was actually a successful strike at the wrong mindset that society possessed at that time. The narrator was a woman who experienced these difficulties. Living in a house with her husband, John, she was confined to a spacious, sunlit room that contained hideous yellow wallpaper that she despised. Against her better judgment she was not permitted to write, draw, or work, but simply rest. Soon the wallpaper she detested became her only stimulus. She examined it by day and night, and began to see patterns develop and figures form. The vague figures took the shape of a woman trapped behind bars, constantly searching for a way out. The narrator sympathized with the enslaved woman, and began to contemplate ways to save her. The narrator becomes paranoid around her husband and the babysitter who she thinks are also trying to unmask the wallpapers true meaning. Finally the narrator becomes frantic and is reduced to a state of disillusion. The author draws the story to an end, with the narrator tearing down the wallpaper and exclaiming that she finally released the woman behind it. The wallpaper itself was not the cause of the narrator’s madness. Her husband thought that she was suffering from a nervous depression and concluded that it was in her best interest to be prescribed the rest cure, confined to a room and isolated from her normal activities. This confinement and lack of freedom to live a normal life drove the narrator to examine the wallpaper, which was her only individual freedom left. Because of the narrator’s madness, she was unable to make the connection between the woman behind the wallpaper and herself. The narrator felt trapped, like the woman in the wallpaper, due to her domineering husband, her lack of individuality and personal freedom of choice, as well as the prejudices suppressing her from society at large. The narrator’s life was parallel to the author’s life. Gilman, like the narrator was subject to a confinement, cut off from society. She found individuality and freedom through her writing but it was abruptly ended by a doctor’s diagnosis stating that these activities were not healthy. The doctor prescribed the rest cure for Gilman; she was to live â€Å" as domestic a life as far as possible, to have but two hours intellectual life a day, and to never touch a pencil, brush or pencil again. † She went home and followed the doctor’s orders for 3 months, and became even more mentally unstable than before. Soon she decided to break the doctors orders, and began to work again, and to continue her previous routine of everyday life. Gilman’s decision to exert her God- given ability to choose what she thought best resulted in her becoming a strong individual. She wrote the â€Å"Yellow Wallpaper† as an attempt to change the way women were viewed and to express the importance of individuality. Her purpose â€Å"was not intended to drive people crazy, but to save people from being driven crazy. † The author succeeded in her attempt to convey the need for individuality. Several times throughout the story, the narrator expressed her want to write, work, spend leisure times outdoors, and to leave the room. Her failure to carryout her desires resulted in insanity. Not only did she have her husband working against her, but she also had society’s opinion at large to her disadvantage. During the 1800s, the only â€Å"right† workplace for women was at home. Women were viewed as incompetent, and as beings that were not able to think for themselves. The narrator in the â€Å"Yellow Wallpaper† knew nothing in her husband’s eyes. Her feelings were not relevant, but were instead pushed aside and counted worthless. Although the narrator never came to grips with the need for individuality, the reader can imagine how different the circumstances may have been if she had exercised her right to think and act freely. Thinking and acting freely was a rare occurrence in the women at large in the 1800s. In the first part of the short story on page 437, the narrator states â€Å"Personally I disagree with their ideas. Personally I believe that congenial work, with excitement, and change, would do me good. But what is one to do? † The narrator reveals her lack of confidence and of individuality when she remarks â€Å" But what is one to do? † She constantly discounts her feelings and continually discredits herself of any self- confidence she has left within her. Further down the page she articulates her hatred for the room and expresses her desire to move to another room downstairs, but once again places her feelings aside by saying â€Å"But John would not hear of it. † The author also succeeded tremendously with the symbolism of the woman trapped behind the wallpaper. The woman trapped behind the yellow wallpaper symbolizes the narrator’s fear of confronting her husband with her opinions and feelings, and also the desire to escape the room she finds herself in. Many women during this time had similar feelings to that of the narrator in the â€Å"Yellow Wallpaper. † The author set out to alter the mindset in women during her time. In this short story the woman trapped behind the wallpaper not only represents the narrator, but the majority of women in that time. On page 444, the author writes â€Å"Sometimes I think there are a great many women behind the wallpaper, and sometimes only one†¦ And she is all the time trying to climb through. But nobody could climb through that pattern- it strangles so. I think that is why it has so many heads. † This excerpt symbolizes the way women felt in her time. The way of thinking about women in that time was so strong, that not one woman thought they could escape the false stereotype that they had adopted unwillingly. In the author’s opinion, many women felt trapped and depressed, but felt that they could do nothing about it. It is evident that the author urged all of her women readers to escape the spirit of the opinions and notions of her time period, and to be an individual who expressed their feelings freely. Charlotte Perkins Gilman sought to communicate that women should be respected on the same level as men, and that women also had the ability to think rationally and independently. Thorough examination of the symbolism found in this short story finds that individuality is of utter necessity in overcoming difficult obstacles. The author’s attempt to teach women this principle succeeded in one of the greatest ways possible. Women of the past and present have escaped the stereotype of a typical 1800s woman and have created for themselves a workplace outside the home.

Family Guy, Friend or Foe? Essay

Family Guy and Freud: Jokes and Their Relation to the Unconscious In Antonia Peacocke article â€Å"Family Guy and Freud: Jokes and Their Relation to the Unconscious,† she discuses the show created by Seth MacFarlane, stating how she loves the show and how she can even recite several episodes by heart. However, when she first started watching the show she did not care for the type of humor that was expressed. Peacocke goes onto explains that she is not the only one who has these same feelings on how the show is bigoted and crude (Peacocke). Evidence to this was when the show was cancelled not only once, but also twice, in 2000 and 2002. Soon after the show was band, complaints from so many viewers to Fox Television Network, the producers were forced to start airing the show again (Peacocke). However, as she continued to watch the television program, she noticed that there was more than just racist, sexist, and bestiality jokes to be taken from the show (Peacocke). She even goes on to state how she gave the show a second chance and realized that it actually had a purpose and portrayed the stereotypes many people use today. Family Guy is one of the most disgusting, cruel and racist shows I have ever laid my eyes on, that is what I first thought after watching the TV show, Family Guy, for the first time, now that I look back on it, it is simply not true. If you look into the show more deeply and get what Seth McFarland, creator of Family Guy, is trying to portray you realize there is a lot more to it. I took the same view of the show as Peacocke, at first I did not like it, but I was forced by my family and friends to watch it. After watching several episodes, I stepped back and took a deeper look at the racist and sexist jokes said on the show, and I realized there was mor e to learn and see then just getting a chuckle out of the cruel jokes. Family Guy can be one of the most sexist and demeaning television programs out there but if you take a step back and look at what Seth MacFarlane is trying to get at, from the women of the 1950’s to the censorships of the FCC, you can learn the true meaning of Family Guy. Anyone who has ever watched an episode of Family Guy will agree that the show is very offence and often time sexist, but most people do not really get the true meaning of the show and how it relates to the stereotypes in our day to day lives. In one occasion in Peacocke essay â€Å"Family Guy and Freud: Jokes and Their Relation to the Unconscious,† she states that in an episode â€Å"I am Peter, Here me Roar,† there is a scene of an old 1950’s work place where a business man is talking about how women are very insecure about their appearance(). He explains that men should be sure to complement women on how they look, even if they are ugly, because they will believe it (302). Then the businessman goes on to say that a firm slap on their butt will let them know what good of a job they have done (302). I take this not to be a sexist skit but how the women of the 1950’s were mocked in the work place and how normal it was for this to happen to them. This is just one of the many examples of people misunderstanding Family Guy. Peacocke also includes in her essay how celebrities influence the way we think and what we do things in our everyday lives. This is shown in one episode of Family Guy, mentioned in Peacocke’s essay, when Brian and Stewie, are talking about Stewie’s choice of reading material (304). Brian then goes on to explain to Stewie that he only picks what he is going to read based on the books presented in Oprah’s Book Club on the Oprah Winfrey show (304). However, Stewie is quick to deny any of his accusations. Soon after Stewie’s denial, Brian is able to get Stewie to admit that he really is reading the book simply because Oprah suggests it. Here they are trying to demonstrate how Americans are willing to listen to the suggestions of celebrities and do what they tell us to do, without thinking twice about it. I agree with Peacocke on this because I have first hand experiences with my family. One example of this is my dad is a huge Payton Manning fan. When he saw that Payton was endorsing the brand Buick, he just had to go run out and get one because he wanted to be just like Payton. When I asked him about it, he said that it was a nice car and had nothing to do with Payton. But in the back of my mind I knew it was because of Payton. This goes to show that people are willing to follow the instructions of celebrities but don’t really want to admit that they do (304). An episode of Family Guy, PTV, as mentioned in Peacocke’s essay, the Federal Communication Commission (FCC) is trying to shut down Peter’s Griffin’s own television show because it is not censored and appropriate enough to be put on television (306). Then the FCC takes it to a whole other level and tries to censor the town where they live, Quahog, later the FCC puts black bars over nude Griffin’s and uses a frog horn when they are using a swear word. The point MacFarlane is trying to depict in this episode is that no matter how much you try and censor media, you can never change the unforgiving nature of humans and therefore, in trying to do so, would be virtually impossible. Peacocke also states in the essay that it is the parent’s responsibility to watch over their children and there is more to worry about in this world then television (306). This reminds me of one of my own personal experiences with this as a child. One of my favorite shows that my dad let me watch growing up, The Three Stooges, got banned because the FCC thought that with them beating each other up and getting hurt every episode that it promoted violence, even though it was just a funny show to watch and get a laugh out of. Similarly, in Family Guy, they are not promoting hurtful racial or sexist slurs; they are showing the true stereotypes that exist in people today. At the end of the day, I have first hand experiences on both sides of the story. I have a reasonable understanding of the side, which does not care for Family Guy, and the side that knows the true meaning behind the television program. If the people who think this show is a disgrace would just take a step back, they could that Family Guy really has much more to offer then just racist, sexist and bestiality jokes. There is a distinct difference between what many people believe is sexist and what is simply just what the creator of Family Guy is trying to show us how people stereotype. I think that people are much more willing to listen to a message about discrimination and sexism if it is delivered in a funny way and they can make themselves believe it is really not them.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Cholesterol Research Paper

By: Diana Rivera| | Cholesterol is a fatty, soft substance found in all of your body. The body needs it to work properly such as holding cells together and to also make hormones such as estrogen, testosterone, cortisol, vitamin D, and substances to help you digest foods. They body actually makes most of what it needs in the liver and the rest comes from food you eat such as meats, fish, eggs, butter, and whole milk. Bad cholesterol is considered when too much cholesterol circulates in the blood, it slowly builds up in the inner walls of the arteries which feeds the brain and heart.This can cause plaque when it comes together with other substances making it less flexible and narrowing the artery. If a clot is forms in a narrow artery this can cause a heart attack or stroke. The good cholesterol acts like scavengers in your body by picking up any excessive cholesterol and taking it back to the liver. Having high levels of good cholesterol also prevents you from having heart attack. Whe n blood is collected the test tube is then placed in a centrifuge, which separates the whole blood from the plasma.The blood cell settles at the bottom of the test tube, and the plasma spins to the top, if cholesterol is detected you will see a fatty, thick substance, this test will be considered a qualitative test. There is a variety of factors that can influence blood cholesterol levels which include your diet, weight, exercise, age and gender, diabetes, heredity and certain medications or medical conditions. Cholesterol can’t be dissolved in the blood; they have to be transported to and from the cells by special carriers called lipoprotein.There are two types of lipoprotein one of them is the Low-Density Lipoproteins which are known as the bad cholesterol that a physician will advise you to keep low. When low-density lipoprotein is at a high level it combines with other substances and form plaque in your arteries. This will slow your blood flow to heart, brain, and other o rgans in your body which can cause blood clots. The range for low-density lipoprotein is more than 100 and border risk line is 130 and more than 190.Our body also has high-density lipoprotein which is good cholesterol; our body produces for our protection. They get their name because they are thought to carry excess cholesterol away from arteries to the liver, which the body can eliminate. Those who have higher levels of HDL have fewer problems with cardiovascular disease, while other with lower levels has increased for heart disease. Some things you can do if your HDL is low are aerobic exercise, quit smoking and having a good healthy weight.Triglycerides are a type of lipid found in the bloods which are used as a source of energy after being converted by the liver. They are the end product of digesting and breaking down fats in meals. Triglycerides is developed from fatty acids found in foods and they are transported by the LDL. Normal levels are below 150, levels of 200 are high. Over all maintain a good healthy lifestyle can help you balance your cholesterol and reduce your risk for heart disease or even a stroke. Many people have dealt with having chronic high blood cholesterol levels.

Is the generation gap myth or reality Essay

It’s well known that new time demands new way of thinking. New way of thinking demands new way of acting. New way of acting arouses misunderstanding on the part of older generation. People usually get used to certain things and some dead small changes can frighten them. Thus, trying to avoid the negative feeling of fear older people try to avoid new trends and spirits of the time. On the other hand, youngsters are eager to introduce some desperately new and young-eyed decisions in order to gain a foothold. In other words, young people want to be creative, bright and want to place themselves on record. As a result, old traditions contradict with new trends and a problem of generation gap shapes up. For example, parents very often try to protect their children from modern entertainments some forbid playing computer games, thinking that computers can’t teach anything to their children, some prohibit wearing extravagant clothes and some prevent their infants from attending concerts of rock stars, fearing that he can fall among evil companions. However, forbidden fruit is sweet. And the offsprings start doing everything on the sly. But when finally parents find it out they can’t stop wondering why do their children conceal their affairs from them? The answer is as easy as ABC: youngsters want to express themselves, they want to get the smell of powder, they want to enjoy independence. On the contrary, the parents want to be sure that their precious offsprings are safe and sound. As a consequence, this leads to misunderstanding, quarrels and insults. Nowadays children start using computers very early. Tweens and teens are so fascinated by them that they spend hours and hours at their personal computers or at computer clubs. The electronic universe replaces their contacts with friends and dominates their life completely. Obsession with computers brings about a mechanical, disillusioned mentality and inhibits their emotional development. The heads of youngsters are also being filled with violent pictures they have seen on TV. Children are very naive and impressionable. And no wonder that they are so aggressive and arrogant in  real life. They are thrown into such a harsh world, especially if they live in a city. These days a lot of parents think that they should be lenient with their children, they should let them find out about life for themselves, they should leave children to develop their own idea of right and wrong. But it’s a grave mistake. Parents should try to protect their children from possible bad influences and give them clear guidance about right and wrong. There is no way to predict how today’s children will turn out. Keeping faith in kids is necessary. They are not bad. They are optimistic. They expect to have a better life than their parents’. And grown-ups – if they are prepared to admit it – could learn a thing or two from their children. One of the biggest lessons they could learn is that enjoyment is not  «sinful ». Enjoyment, is a principle you could apply to all aspects of life. It is not wrong to enjoy your work and enjoy your leisure, to shed restricting inhibitions. It is surely not wrong to live in the present rather than in the past or future. Generation gap is the major reason today why parents and children are moving away from each other. As we all know, the environment has changed, so has the life style and with that changes the mind of children. Today’s generation doesn’t like others interfering in any of their personal matters, they don’t like parents ordering them, and if they try and tell them what’s wrong for them, they misbehave with their parents. The question arises that, what is the reason behind all this. It is the parents’ mistake or is it cause of the generation gap. Generation gap is basically created by the people themselves. They don’t talk to their children and share their own points of views with the children. The point is that the parents are just so busy with their work and jobs that they don’t have time for their family and their children. And they realize it when there has a huge distance between the kids and the parents. The point is if parents give their children some time from their busy schedule then there would be no such problem. Nevertheless the problem of  generation gap can be easily solved. Patience should be the key to the common ground between adults and youngsters. People of all ages must become more tolerant and less selfish and must discuss their troubles in order to conquer misunderstanding. It’s essential that parents give more freedom to their children so that they can express themselves. Whereas children should remember that freedom is not something to be over-indulged in. It’s not difficult to achieve understanding if you are making effort to see a problem from a variety of angles. On the contrary, if you think that your standpoint is the only one true and you don’t want to discuss and listen to other opinions, then the problem of generation gap will become a nightmare of your family.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Nature and Thrust of Public Policy Essay

Public policy addresses a host of issues like housing, transportation, education, health, social services, among others. It creates orderly structures and standards, and a sense of direction. It may likewise be used to denote what is actually done even though it is unplanned, and yet sometimes it attends to political questions and even the personal issue or controversy of a political. In making public policy, there are three components: the problem, the players, and the policy itself. A problem is a particular apprehension that often requires specific resolution. The players refer to the actors or group of actors that design specific formula to tackle the issue at hand, while policy is the finished course of action ready for implementation. Building Public Policy Public policy starts with the discovery of the problem in which private sectors may bring to government which will then come to the attention of the legislative department. The Congress or the legislative department will be the one to process appropriate policy for the identified problem. The policymaking process revolves within several factors, which trigger agenda initiation, government formulation and implementation. Defining Public Policy Public policy was defined by Dye as â€Å"whatever governments choose to do or not to do.†However, another political analyst, Roskins modified this definition in this wise: public policy is â€Å"whatever the government does to do or not to do.† Policy, in general, is a course of action or a series of program adopted by a group or a person or a government in view to address or respond to existing issues or concerns. The term public is associated to a government I power. Public policy then is an action taken by the government to meet a particular demand growing out of the society. Public Policy Analysis Public policy is the study of how governmental policies are made and implemented, and the application of available knowledge to governmental policies for improving their formulation and implementation. Policymaking Process Policymaking is a process in two aspects. First, it involves a linked series of actions or events. This commences with the germination of ideas and the initiations of proposals, continues with some form of debates, analysis, and evaluation; and concludes with the making of formal decisions and their implementation through designated actions. Second, it is a process in the sense that distinguishes the ‘how’ of the government from the ‘what’ of government. Policymaking process has four stages namely: Policy initiation process, policy formulation process, policy implementation process and policy evaluation process. Policy Initiation/Agenda Setting The first question to ask here is: â€Å"Where does policy come from? How do policy agenda emerge?† Initiation is the primary stage of policy agenda that resulted from an issue regarded to come out as a problem if not attended to appropriately. Agenda setting is the process by which ideas or issues bubble up through the various political channels to wind up for consideration by a political institution such a legislator or court. Anthony Downs attempts to explain the way in which many policy problems evolve on the political agenda. Downs in Shafritz (2009) said that the cycle consists of five steps: 1. The pre-problem stage; 2. Alarmed discovery and euphoric enthusiasm; 3. Recognition of the costs of change; 4. Decline of public interest: and 5. The post-problem stage

Philosophy As The Origin Of Every Sort Of Knowledge Term Paper

Philosophy As The Origin Of Every Sort Of Knowledge - Term Paper Example Philosophy is the origin of every sort of knowledge even though we have different streams of knowledge at present like, arts, sciences, mathematics etc. In order to give respect to philosophy, even now a doctoral student gets the degree of doctor of philosophy even if he has completed his doctoral studies in other subjects like physics, chemistry or history. Earlier, it was the philosophers who interpreted various things happening around them to the world. For example, Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Descartes were some of the prominent philosophers of ancient time who succeeded in educating the people about the various natural and unnatural things happening around them. This paper tries to answer questions like; Is philosophy practical? Can we ever really know anything? Is there ultimately objectivity to ethics? Is happiness really possible in our world? Is there, after all a god? What is the good life? etc. Many people feel philosophy is remote from human life because it deals with lon g time spans, immense areas of space, and matters which cannot always be perceived by the senses. A philosophy which meets the needs of men will both reflect the structure of nature accurately and apply to man's everyday experience. In order for such ideas to be helpful practically, they must descend from the realms of theoretical debate to become an intimate part of the person himself. They must be absorbed into the whole person rather than being, like a fact about the migration of birds, stored away in some corner of the brain (Is philosophy practical?)... Philosophy is all about asking questions and finding answers. It is difficult to get 100% correct answers to all the questions asked. Questions which get 100% correct or absolute answers can be put under the label of practical philosophy. For example, we know currently that earth is rotating around the sun and that is why day and night occurs. In other words rotation of earth is proved beyond doubt and hence we can put it under the practical philosophy label. However, we do not know what happens to our soul after our death. Religions have different teachings about the future of soul based on certain beliefs. It is difficult to put this topic under practical philosophy label. In short, philosophy can sometimes practical and sometimes impractical. Can we ever really know anything? What we know about this universe is much lesser than what we do not know about this world. Even scientific principles are undergoing changes at time passes. For example, earlier we assumed that sun is moving while earth remains stationary, later we concluded that the earth is moving and the sun remains stationery. According to the latest scientific principles, both earth and the sun are moving and we do not feel the movement of sun because of the huge size of sun compared to earth. Same way earlier, we thought that electricity is the flow of protons and we represent the direction electricity from anode to cathode or from positive terminal to the negative terminal. Later we realize that electricity is nothing but flow electrons and it is impossible for electrons to flow from anode to cathode. In short, scientific principles are undergoing changes periodically and it is foolishness to assume that we know something about

Friday, September 27, 2019

Communication Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Communication - Coursework Example Culture is an important factor that determines the effectiveness of a communication. Notably, cultural and social stereotype affect the psychological communication as the receiver or sender can have prejudiced opinion regarding the other party. For example, a discussion or debate between an Africa American and a White American might have stereotypical influence from both parties. Specifically, the White might view the Black as unintelligent while the Black might see the White as biased. Consequently, for practical communication, such stereotypes and prejudice must be eliminated. The three levels of metacommunication are reflective, adaptive, and anticipatory. Reflective metacommunication is the process whereby an individual thinks about the communication after the conversation is over. I would rate myself ‘good’ as I reflect on the conversation to determine my strengths and weaknesses and make proper decisions on how to improve my skills in future. Anticipatory metacommunication is the process of planning to communicate. In this category, I would rate myself ‘fair’ because I frequently plan to tell my friends or parents about some issues I need to discuss with them. Finally, adaptive metacommunication is the listening skills theories that detect the ability to listen actively and thoughtfully. In this category, I would rate myself fair because if am sometimes hindered from listening attentively due to concentration on my Smartphone. When working as a manager, there are crucial times that you need to prepare what to say. Specifically, this entails giving the reason for a particular reaction. For example, when transferring a worker from one location to the other, the manager must offer adequate reason why the selected candidate is the most important and how the new opportunity will benefit the individual and the organization. However, some

Does the modern day target driven fire and rescue service need better Essay

Does the modern day target driven fire and rescue service need better management or does leadership provide the solution - Essay Example Several theories are explained in detail and related to the FRS to gauge which theory bets applies for the improvement of the operational system. Among these theories are trait, behavioral, contingency, constellation, participative, management, relationship, path-goal theory, action-centered leadership and the leadership grid. These theories prove that some of them are not applicable while some are in the given situation the analysis and discussion point out that management by objective can only be successful when there is leadership and thus both have to be implemented simultaneously. Towards the end recommendations have been given as to how the leadership can be improved with the goal oriented management. the private sector today is undergoing immense change with downsizing and greater work responsibility in their management systems. This according to Grint (2005) is because the people expect more for less and the same expectation has paved its way into the public sectors also where the people expect organizations like the fire department to provide more from the limited resources. To fulfill this demand, the fire departments have been undergoing drastic changes. This as George (2003) explains has become essential in order to be efficient and competitive in the market place. To suffice the demand of the people, and be according to the way the people want the department to be, the government has realized that the management system has to be adjusted so that the changing needs of the people may be met. At the same time, adds Taylor (2009) with the recession, the costs are increasing, people are paying fewer taxes and thus the fire department has a lower budget to work with and therefor e it requires to be more efficient and to maximize the use of its resources. The fire department has always been managed with the rank-based management system. However, the government wants to change

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Sports industry offers a range of potential opportunities to Nike Essay

Sports industry offers a range of potential opportunities to Nike - Essay Example The company acquired annual revenue in excess of US$ 18.6 billion for the fiscal year 2008 despite the adverse impacts of the 2008 global financial crisis. Although Nike markets many of its products under its own brand, it also markets some additional brands including Nike Golf, Nike Pro, and Nike Skateboarding to effectively market its sports equipments across the globe. This paper will analyse micro as well as macro business environments of Nike, Inc. using appropriate analytical tools and a strategic fit analysis. TASK A - Market Environment Analysis In the section, different market analytical tools are used to evaluate the business environment of the Nike. Here, Porter’s five forces model is applied to analyse the sports equipment industry (micro environment) and PEST analysis is deployed to evaluate the market potentiality of the Nike, Inc. (macro environment). Porter’s five forces analysis Currently, the sports equipment industry constitutes a larger number of com panies dealing with production and distribution of numerous and different sporting and athletic equipments. The total market capitalisation has reached nearly $8 billion and it is still growing. Most of the players in the sports equipment industry are grand corporate structures such as Nike, Easton, and Wilson; they offer equipments to a variety of sports items. In contrast, other companies like Callaway and Schwinn own noticeable market share and prominence in their specific area of focus. Sports equipment manufacturing companies mainly make use of two means of distribution. Wholesalers and retailers constitute the most common avenue of distribution whereas the company-owned and contracted specialty shops shape the second mode of distribution. In order to popularise their products and dominate the market, most of the sports equipment companies tend to sponsor high profile or top-rated sportsmen and athletes. In addition, such companies are also willing to undertake the sponsorship of major sporting events like World Cup Football as part of promoting their products. Threat of substitute products and services In general, sports can be easily substituted with a variety of different other activities, and therefore the threat of substitutes is very high in sports industry. To illustrate, people may easily turn their interest from physically demanding athletic or other sports activities to video/computer games. However, higher prevalence rate of obesity in the United States influences people to turn to healthy and fitness activities (U. S. Department of Health and Human Services). This situation relieves the sports industry from the threat of substitutes to some extent. At the same time, the substitution threat exists even in the sports industry itself. For instance, people may choose to play basketball rather than golf. Intensity of rivalry among competitors The intensity of competitive rivalry is very high in the sports industry and many sports equipment companie s have been thrown out of the market due to this higher degree of competition. While analysing present trends in the sports industry, it is obvious that companies are striving for their market competency and searching for industry consolidation. It seems that most of the sports equipment companies adopt mergers and acquisitions strategy in order to broaden their product lines, to increase economies

Corporate Stakeholders Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Corporate Stakeholders - Essay Example Lastly, when we say product market - it comprises of primary customers, suppliers etc. There is an additional group of stakeholders that indirectly influences the performance of the company, and company cannot operate independent of it - these are the secondary stakeholders such as host communities, government and other environmental groups in the society. The firm has its obligation to maintain its actions that balances the participation of the entire key stakeholder. Each group of stakeholders has their demands that are against the demand of other stakeholders. Companies have to manage this trade-off in supporting one group over another in different decision making objectives. The primary expectations of shareholders and lenders are wealth enhancement and wealth preservation respectively; customers look for product reliability at as much lower price as possible, whereas, suppliers aim to receive the highest prices for the items supplied and that too sustainable in the long run. The group of stakeholder working there look for secure and sustainable work environment, that is rewarding and stimulating and provides opportunities for career growth. Unions struggle for ideal working conditions and achieving job security for the members. The secondary stakeholders focus in on protecting the environment and fulfilling concerns that relate t o social environment. As the description earlier indicates that product market stakeholders are basically the non investor stakeholders and their claims from the management are in the form of implicit promises that ensures continuous and timely supply of products, product enhancement, regular customers etc. These claims are implicit because payouts on these claims are not quantified and stated out aloud. But these claims are impacted by the company's existing financial policy. Cornell and Shapiro (1987) pointed out that these claims affect stock prices similar to the investor stakeholders' claims; management therefore should alter its financial policy to achieve a balance between implicit claim stakeholders and the investor stakeholders. Taking into considerations these implicit claims it can be implied that contingent claim on an organization's financial resources might be amplified in case their rights are not properly addressed. These implicit claims can be exemplified by the following: In January 984 when Apple came up with Machintosh computers, it promised (an implicit claim of competitive file servers) its customers that it will soon bring to the market the new file servers that are the hard disk that can manage data of multiple computer machines at a single time. But then the Apple had no clue of the exact characteristics, price etc. The field of corporate finance has long been recognizing how these implicit claims affect the factors earlier mentioned; this concept has been embedded in recognizing organizational capital equivalent to the current market value of all the firm's implicit claims that the firm expects to sell and organizational liabilities equaling the expected costs of honoring current and the potential implicit claims. Almost all of the stakeholders have criticized that balancing of stakeholders' rights is not a fair mechanism with capital markets or investor stakehol

History of Immigration in the USA Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

History of Immigration in the USA - Essay Example The settling of America began with an idea. The idea was that people can join together and agree to govern themselves by making laws for the common good. The history of U.S immigration began in 1513 when a Spanish explorer, Ponce De Leon discovered Florida. In the 16th century Spain took control of Florida, California and the south-west region of America. About 200,000 Spaniards migrated to the new world and founded some 200 settlements in different parts of America. St. Augustine, Florida, founded by Pedro Merendez in 1565, was the first permanent settlement established by the Europeans in what is now the United States. The Spanish mined precious metals and was able to ship back to Europe large quantities of gold and silver. Then came the Dutch who first arrived in America in 1609 when the Dutch East India Company vessel De Halve Maen, commanded by the English captain, Henry Hudson, laid anchor at Sandy Hook, before sailing up what is now known as the Hudson River. The arrival of people from England grew steadily and by 1650 the population of Virginia reached 15,000. Settlements spread from the banks of the James River to the York and Rappahannock Rivers. Many immigrants decided to leave the coastal regions and move inland. By 1685 the population of Virginia had grown to 60,000.The early British arrivals in America were known as colonists or settlers. The term immigrant was first used in 1787. However, it was argued at the time that there was a difference between the colonists who "established a new new society, and those foreigners who arrive only when the country's laws, customs and language are fixed.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Police Policies and Evaluations Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Police Policies and Evaluations - Term Paper Example This makes it hard for the police to go against the generic plans that are already in place and go beyond the expected resources available to them so that they can respond to all citizen calls for service. The police have no say over their needs, policies, resource levels, as well as resource allocations because their field commanders are in charge of these processes (Chambliss, 2011). For example, police may need to respond to some citizen calls in areas that have high crime activity as speculated by the generic plans. The police already have a statistical analysis that tracks all emergency calls that shows them the hot spots of illegal activity. When the police receive these emergency calls, they many not respond immediately to the emergency calls because the generic plans requires them to try and monitor the localities by effectively using police resources so that they can wait for the right time for the police to generate the most momentous results instead of responding to every emergency call that they receive from high illegal activity areas (Rosenbaum, 1993). Another reason why provision of a rapid response to all citizen calls for service is not an effective use of police resources is because their tactical flexibility is relentlessly limited, for example, patrol, criminal investigations, and traffic. The police are deployed geographically and through functionality, and some officers can respond to some emergency calls while others cannot. If other police officers not expected to respond to such emergency calls, they may have to use extra resources, which the police department may not be able to cater for. A number of police officers are assigned radio cars and not all of them. Therefore only these police officers can respond to emergency calls because they are the only ones supposed to utilize such resources for emergency calls because if all police officers had radio cars, almost all of them would respond to one emergency call and that is ineffective use of police resources (Carr et al., 2007). Tight budgets and small police departments accountable for many groups of people are other reasons why provision of a rapid response to all citizen calls for service is not an effective use of police resources. If the police were to respond to all emergency calls rapidly, they might be using more than the resources assigned to them through tight budgets and a small number of policemen in the department. They might have to make emergency calls from high crime areas a priority compared to calls that might not have so much of an emergency. To the police, they will be using their resources effectively because the amount of resources that have been allocated to that department cannot cater for every emergency call that they receive. On the other hand, the citizens will feel that the police do not use their resources effectively or else they would respond to each and every emergency call even with limited resources (Research Management Associat es, Inc., 2004). Another reason why provision of a rapid response to all citizen calls for service is not an effective use of police resources is because some of the emergency calls made by citizens can be hoaxes or instances that the calls do not actually have to be checked out. Use of police resources requires to be accomplished at minimum costs or the resources should be utilized in the most dynamic and productive way probable. When some emergency calls go through to the police depart

Interactive Processes and Cognitive Development Essay

Interactive Processes and Cognitive Development - Essay Example One such theory is the Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD) by Lev Vygotsky. Vygotsky professes that there is an actual zone for development and this zone consists of a gap "between a learner's current or actual level of development determined by independent problem solving and the learners emerging or potential level of development." Schaffer (2006 p 46) The key to what Vygotsky professed is that this zone or gap is imperative to development. It contains the set of knowledge that the learner has the ability to learn at that time. However, the learner at that time does not comprehend that these things are just our of their reach. Schaffer (2006, p 181) It is the point in child development where the learner is challenged to learn. Jean Piaget has a theory regarding child development and the cognitive processes that are involved. Piaget was concerned with knowledge and how it is obtained just as Vygotsky was. Rather than being a zone that prompted or challenged further gaining of information Piaget's theory's key concept was that knowledge grows. In one respect this is essentially what Vytgosky's (ZPD) theory professed.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

How the Role of the Organizational Trainer Has Changed in the Last Ten Essay

How the Role of the Organizational Trainer Has Changed in the Last Ten Years - Essay Example hanging working practices and a highly competitive business environment has called upon most organizations to hire employees who can handle these (Stwart, et al, 2005, p. 357; Hodson and Sullivan, 2007, p. 221; Holman, 2005, p. 1; Verburg, 2005, p. 50). Some skills, structure of knowledge, and working practices have been termed as irrelevant. Due to the significance that change comes with, there is therefore a great need for organizational trainers to live up to the challenge of helping people to not only unlearn some of the redundant skills, but also to acquire and relearn new ones. This is part of what has made the role of the Human resource Development to change from training to development. Therefore, the role of an organizational trainer (Human Resource Development) has changed in a number of ways. First, there is a rising interest being developed among organizational trainers in labor aspects such as long-term unemployment, inadequate skills, and equivalent opportunities. Secon dly, they are faced with the task of raising awareness on the significance of training, and continue with spreading the concept that, in the long run, it is the development of the labor skills and the learning culture that an economy’s long-term competitive performance and its enterprises are based on. Thirdly, the trainer is preoccupied with the role of coming up with nation-wide training techniques that should be determined by people, investors and national competencies. Fourth, there is the establishment of corporate mechanisms that should be determined by core activities leading to the development of non-core services such as instruction and consultancy. Fifth, the trainer should take part in organizational restructuring that include decentralization, empowering senior operating... Apart from accepting their position in organizations, trainers had a strong belief in the value of their training and were eager to invest in it. A trainee’s evolving career depended on the trainer’s finite range of knowledge and skills backed by wide experience. The provision of this early training set a pace for long-term professionalism such that, once people were trained, they were expected to exercise the contents of the training throughout their career lifetime. There was no room for more investment in training. These conventional views have been overtaken by time due to the change that has come with the twenty-first century. This change has not only made most organizations to cope with it, but has also caused individuals to affirm the fact that with time, their training becomes obsolete. New technology, changing working practices and a highly competitive business environment has called upon most organizations to hire employees who can handle these (Stwart, et al, 2005, p. 357; Hodson and Sullivan, 2007, p. 221; Holman, 2005, p. 1; Verburg, 2005, p. 50). Some skills, structure of knowledge, and working practices have been termed as irrelevant. Due to the significance that change comes with, there is, therefore, a great need for organizational trainers to live up to the challenge of helping people to not only unlearn some of the redundant skills, but also to acquire and relearn new ones. This is part of what has made the role of the Human Resource Development to change from training to development.

Some of the Most Significantly Changing Musical Trends Essay

Some of the Most Significantly Changing Musical Trends - Essay Example It is evidently clear from the discussion that collection agencies are evolving in large basically to cut off the revenues spent on the continuous exercise of supervising and evaluating the task of copyrights both in the local as well as international market. So the member of the music industry should be able to understand the legislation regarding the copyrights as well as a core knowledge should be there about the delivery of the music to the consumers in addition to the basic trends of users of this industry which are all the time changing. Collection agencies also need to develop the latest technology to have a continuous record of the inward flow of the copyright capital and the income related to the royalty. At large, collection agencies are usually playing an important role in the industry, by making lobbies among the policymakers of the music industry, by exploiting the information about the business and these agencies can be beneficial in promoting this talent by awarding sc holarships to the deserving ones. The major portion of the capital in the music industry are created with the help of musical concepts which is done by collaborate effort of the market and the members of the instrument industry. As in all the other industries, these ideas have to be protected and that is done by the means of copyrights creation. But there is one exception in this regard as in the music field the main idea of the artist is not protected rather it is some modified fixed form of that idea which comes under the copyright act. In addition to this, the copyrights are not issued and instead these are kept by the author or the publishing authority. Capitals in the music industry are built through the musical innovations with the aid of specialized institutions and market support. Like in other industries copyrights hold utmost importance for the capital generation but in contrast to other industries, in music field the copyrights does not protect the idea of the artist itse lf rather its expression to certain extent is given copyrights, for example, a certain form of music cannot be protected through copyrights but its expression by certain artist can be protected.

Monday, September 23, 2019

Management and Organizational Behaviour Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Management and Organizational Behaviour - Essay Example oved competition among teams has been identified as the major resultant of motivation whereby employees put more effort in their activities so as to produce the expected results. The General Electric Company, which is an American business that has earned a high reputation internationally, has been used as an example to show the benefits that an organization can reap from good management and organizational behavior as was the case under Jack Welch who was the company’s CEO (Eckes, 2000). This essay is a critical evaluation of management and its role in the improvement of quality of leadership and teamwork in order to reach the set targets in performance and productivity. Leadership is different from management in that instead of imposing authoritative rule on the subjects, the role requires an approach that is aimed at convincing other people to follow in your ideologies and your way of doing things (Fincham, 2003). A good team work as discussed herein requires quality leadership due to the fact that leaders have the ability to bring people from different cultural and economic back grounds together to form a strong and productive team. It is therefore necessary to identify various ways of increasing the quality of leadership in an organization so as to ensure that there is harmony and professionalism in the execution of duties. A person may possess leadership qualities either naturally meaning that it is inborn, or through undergoing training (Fincham, 2003). People who are not used to leadership sometimes face various difficulties due to their lack of confidence and charisma to exercise their power without having to experience conflicts in the work place. In some of the cases, pressure from the top ranking officers in the organizational structure may inhibit effective leadership since the leaders may be compelled to adopt a leadership style that is dominating in nature thereby attracting resistance from employees (Cole, 2004). For example, top level managers

MLA RESEARCH ARGUMENT- Social Media issue Essay

MLA RESEARCH ARGUMENT- Social Media issue - Essay Example This work goes to point out the relevant effects that are associated with social media. This research paper aims at evaluating the issues related to social media in general. Scholars have carried out research on the matter, and it is evident that there are advantages as well as disadvantages associated with social media. The issues affect a wide range of individuals. You can now connect to the whole world from the comfort of your home or office. This is one of the important attributes of social media. Not only are people able to make business connections, but they can find new jobs, find assistance and get advice. It has also enabled people to learn something new about a foreign country, and interact with people from diverse cultures. Social media has replaced pen pals mails that used to take a long time, now friends can communicate instantly using the many available social websites (Bryant and Zillmann 418). Social media offers the advantage of interacting with people who share the same interests. People can make wiser decisions on a subject, especially when they have managed to find solutions online. This is enhanced by the fact that communication via the Internet is real-time, as long as you have an Internet connection. Noor Al-Deen and Hendricks (182) conclude that many social sites have instant messaging that facilitates this. This has gone a long way to helping students, researchers, managers, business people, as well as teachers. One can source information online instantly. According to Noor Al-Deen and Hendricks (182), marketers have largely benefited from social media. It has become very cheap, fast and reliable to do marketing online. With a click of a button, a marketer can sell his or her idea, new products and services to millions of social network users worldwide. It is also handy for not for profit organizations to communicate with people, educate

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Scenario #1 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Scenario #1 - Assignment Example After responding to the patient’s need, the next procedure was for the nurses to relate to the patients pain. Thereafter, effective measures in easing the pain experienced by the patients were to be undertaken by the nurses. Constant monitoring of the patient’s condition and communication with family members could assist in understanding the patient’s condition. Constant monitoring of the patient’s condition in collaboration with health professionals will help in promoting good healthcare for patients (Lemmer, 2009). Documented history of the patient home care is also helpful in improving care since doctors can easily monitor patient condition when he/she is brought to the hospital. Family meeting on the health of the patient assists in toning down the tension and coming up with a common message and feeling towards the health of the patient. In this case, a family meeting would help in appointing a person to collaborate with the nurses and doctors in taking care of the patient. The patient had several signs that caused pain and anguish to the patient while at the same time it led to the death of the patient. The important steps that need to be carried out in managing the patient look into reporting, responding, relating, reasoning and reconstructing. These steps are used in taking care of the pain and managing the patient in the process of providing good healthcare to the patients. In this case, the nurses would have managed the pain suffered by Mrs. H. and then make her comfortable while looking for solutions to each of the symptoms (Lemmer, 2009). The first care step would be to make Mrs. H. comfortable and rehydrate her for the patient to be able to cope with her pain. In this case, stabilizing the patient is quite important for Mrs. H. while at the same time looking for solutions through consultations with doctors and experts. Teaching the family the process of monitoring the

Cell Bio Lab Report Essay Example for Free

Cell Bio Lab Report Essay The purpose of this lab was to test the biological activity of ConA by performing a hemagglutination assay. If ConA is active then agglutination will occur due to ConA’s free receptors being able to bind to the glucose residues on the sheep’s red blood cells. If ConA is not active then no agglutination will occur. To test the hemagglutination reaction, two types of ConA solutions were compared, a purchased control ConA solution in buffer as the positive control, and a purified solution of ConA in buffer previously purified in lab. Each solution was at a 2mg/ml concentration of ConA in ConA buffer, which is necessary for ConAs biological activity. Two variables were added, Galactose and Mannose, to the ConA solution to compare the effects each had on the hemagglutination reaction. I hypothesize for ConA to be able to agglutinate the red blood cells if in the adequate concentration and if in the presence of Galactose, not Mannose. Mannose will inhibit the ConA from binding to the red blood cell’s membrane, preventing agglutination. RESULTS The reaction plate containing the ConA dilutions was incubated over the weekend and resulted in all wells being pink, appearing as if every well had agglutinated. There was a vague outline of the non-agglutinated cells in various wells. The last agglutination was observed at titer 0.0625 (1/16). Agglutination was seen in rows A, B D, and E (row A contained the control ConA, row B contained the control ConA + Galactose, row D contained the sample ConA, and row E contained the sample ConA + Galactose). In the well rows C and F which contained control ConA + Mannose and sample ConA + Mannose, agglutination did not occur at any concentration of ConA. Row G, the negative control appeared to have agglutinated as well as Row H, which contained only ConA buffer. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION The results did not support my hypothesis for the biological activity of ConA. There are some sources of error that could explain the results obtained. It’s possible there was a problem with either the ConA buffer or the sheep red blood cells to allow for all wells to turn pink and appear agglutinated. Another explanation of the irregular results was there might have been cross contamination from not changing tips when transferring to different ConA concentrations, or if bubbles were introduced while diluting the ConA, making the results difficult to interpret. For wells A, B D, and E as ConA became more diluted or decreased in concentration, it became more difficult for it to effectively crosslink and agglutinate the red blood cells. Well D, the positive control that contained the purchased ConA resulted in agglutination of the first couple wells, then no agglutination as the ConA concentration decreased, similar to Row A. Wells B and E that had the Galacatose additive obtained the same titer of the control ConA because ConA does not bind Galactose. Galactose doesn’t interfere with ConA from binding to the sugar residues on the red blood cells. Mannose on the other hand, is an inhibitor to ConA’s binding sites. The Mannose in solution competed with the ConA and did not allow to bind to the sugar residues on the red blood cells as seen in rows C and F. Row G, the negative control, should have resulted in non-agglutination, similar to the rows containing the Mannose additive. The results observed showed agglutination formed in this row. Lastly, Row H should have shown non-agglutination through out because the well contained only ConA buffer, not ConA protein. In conclusion, the results did not clearly explain the biological activity of ConA with the hemagglutination assay. The experiment contained too many anomalies to get a clear determination of ConA’s functionality post purification. The results did show that a change in the concentration of ConA would alter the strength of the reaction. Also, ConA’s ability to bind to sugar residues can be affected if ConA has to compete or is inhibited to bind to a cells membrane. LITERATURE CITED Cell Biology 3822 Lab Manual, Cell Surface Glycoprotein Receptor Analysis Using Concanavalin A Lab 7. Pearson Learning Solutions. 2012: 147-154. Madeleine Zaechringer. Cell Biology 3822 Analysis of purified ConA via Hemagglutinatino Assay Lab 7: Powerpoint. 2014.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Dance Essay Essay Example for Free

Dance Essay Essay Chosen to look at the productions Cell Block Tango from Chicago and Rosas Danst Rosas by Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker. I wanted to compare these two dance pieces, as I felt the concept behind them, was very similar. Both pieces represent strong female roles, demonstrated by movement and strong characters. In Chicago, the fosse inspired production, choreographed by Rob Marshall, looked at the political issue of women trying to escape their stereotypical role as the domestic care giver in attempt to be individualists. Whereas in Rosas Danst Rosas, choreographed by Anne Teresa De Keersmaecher, her choreography reflects back on feminist issues that females in society faced. Both dance pieces portrayed these issues through movement, in very different ways. Bob Fosse was the original choreographer for Chicago, however, Rob Marshall adapted the Fosse choreography to his interpretation for the film in 2002. Bob Fosse was born in Chicago, Illinois, 1927 and died in 1987. His life was dedicated to dance, he is acknowledged around the world for his outstanding, unique style. He was an American, actor, dancer, director, screen writer and film editor. At a young age he teamed up with another young dancer, Charles Grass, and began a collaboration called ‘The Riff Brothers. ’ Fosse then went on to direct many productions, for example, Sweet Charity, Billion Dollar Baby, dancin, and Chicago. Chicago was originally from a 1926 play by the reporter Maurine Dallas Watkins, she bases her plays on actual criminals and crimes she reported on. It was then, as said above, originally choreographed by Bob Fosse, his style is strongly identified throughout the production. In 1996 Chicago holds the record for the longest running Broadway revival. In 2002 the Academy-award winning film version of the musical was released, directed by Rob Marshall. Rob Marshall is an American theatre director, film director and choreographer. Marshall was born in Madison, Wisconsin and raised in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. He attended Carnegie Mellon University where he was trained in jazz and ballet. Chicago is about two women who go to prison as they have called their partners, who find themselves awaiting their trails and having the same passion, to be a singer and fight for the fame that will keep them from the gallows. I have chosen to specifically research one of the routines from Chicago, which is Cell Block Tango, the dance is about six woman whom have killed their partners, they all have separate parts in the dance, which portray the hatred and re-enactment of when they killed them and why. I felt this was very effective as it signifies the power of woman, and their independence. They wanted to show the audience that if they were in their position they would of done the same. I noticed they use a lot of gestures that indicate power, for example when they are stomping. The dance is also very seductive, empowering over men.

Tesco: Strategic Management Analysis

Tesco: Strategic Management Analysis Introduction This unit discuss about the strategic management and leadership of the organization. So in this report discuss about the relationship between strategic management and leadership and impact on strategic decisions. As next question discuss about the support of management and leadership theory on organizational direction and consider about the impact of management and leadership styles on Tesco PLCs growth strategy and discuss about the leadership strategy of the Tesco. In the third part determine about the leadership requirements and about the current and future leadership requirements of Tesco. Then discuss about the development of leadership requirements and usefulness of selected methods to develop the leadership skills. 1.1 Understand the relationship between strategic management and leadership 1.1.1 Relationship between Strategic Management and Leadership The organizational strategy is determine by the first person or top management of the organization, then the strategy was formulated and implemented as two parts. The using effective management of strategy process can be express as a strategic management. The strategic management helps to achieve the organizational goals and objectives to create competitive advantage. The strategies are not only created by the top management but due to forces of the leadership the strategies were implemented and carrying out by the organizations. Sometimes the leadership created the situation for need of strategic change in the organization. The leadership is very influential and motivates the people in terms of achievement of the organizational expectations. Therefore the leadership was affect to the organizational activities and the strategic management process. Therefore these are a relationship between strategic management and leadership. The different leadership styles of affect to the organizat ional establishment of vision, mission, goals, establishment of organizational management/ structure/ culture, rules and regulations and etc of related activities of strategic management process. (Hill and Jones 2007) 1.1.2 Impact of management and leadership styles on strategic decisions The management styles The management style of Peter Drucker explained the setting of objectives of the organization, plan organize the work in to a specific manner, motivate the employees and other managers to work, performance / achievements/ communication measuring based on the objectives and employee development. This clearly identifies the influence from the management style to the strategy process of the organization, means the strategic decisions were also impacted on management style of Peter Drucker. As next management style is F.W. Taylors scientific management system of management of organizational activities. In this style the manager provided the specific way of doing each an every task to utilize the work, the employee will motivate through paying incentives and all tasks were change according to the scientific management style. That means the strategic decisions were affected by the scientific style of management. (Source: The leadership styles The trait theory provides the leader was born to lead the others with specific characteristics (appearance, personality, voice, participation, capacity) and qualities. The employees accept his decisions in any time that means this leader can influence to the strategic decisions of the organization. The next leadership theory discuss was about situational theory with change according to the situation of the organization. The four situations of (a) tell- the leader tells to the subordinates about specific instructions (b) sell- the subordinates receives the independence to work under investigation of the leader (c) participate- the employees will take collective decisions about the organization (d) delegate- leader look at until the subordinates come up to the targets. These all four situations impact to the strategic decisions of the organization. (Source: 1.1.3 Leadership styles can be adapted to different situations The strategy of the Tesco was a long term strategy to growth of the customer expansion in high market share all over the world. This strategy express the correct decision of the leader, that means the market share cannot be instantly increase, more time is required. On the other hand within the last two to three years the economy was down turn very much, most of the companies face to the loss of market share. Therefore the improvement of market share within a short period of time was not practical. The decision making of Tesco was due to successfulness of long term strategy implementation. The other decision of the Tesco was the diversified the business. Due to this diversification reduce the complex within the business affairs. Each sub set earn own profits and different growth rates and provides the way for easy to benchmark purposes and improve performance, diversified decision making and all. Tesco invest in the recession time to improve the customer facilities, infrastructure, customer offers and for employee contribution. Through this strategic decision in recession time the customers and employees was happy and it was a competitive advantage over other organizations in for being a recession time. According to the situation of the business environment Tesco take the correct strategic decision to improve business affairs and profits. 1.2 Apply management and leadership theory to support organizational direction 1.2.1 Impact that selected theories of management and leadership have on organizational growth strategy The Tesco was diversified the business in to groups to perform. Therefore the groups discuss their strategy in regular basis. The whole group also gathered and discusses strategic issues by taking two full days in the Board meeting. As the teamwork management style the Tesco provided the directions to understand the individual group tasks and perform in the diversified business unit of Tesco. (Source: The participatory leadership style is more appropriate to discuss about the leadership style of the Tesco. The leader provided the group decisions about the organizational policy making and organizational activity planning. The employees, customers and other stakeholders were gathered and considered their implications. Due to this leadership style the organization created the leaders to handle the international and UK business of Tesco. (Source: 1.2.2 Leadership strategy that supports future direction of Tesco The Tesco has a vision of building the high returns to the shareholders, achieve the customer loyalty and quality of satisfaction from Tesco products and services and satisfy the all stakeholders involved in the business of Tesco. This clearly express the Tesco has a clear vision. Through the vision leadership strategy the Tesco has a vision of the current organizational position in the world market, conducted a capacity of vision in the future growth, has a clear vision of the organizational current pathway and has a goal of the future growth perspectives. Therefore the vision leadership strategy supports the directions of Tesco. (Source: 1.3 Assess leadership requirements 1.3.1 Appropriate methods to review current leadership requirements In the Tesco Plc. employee were empowered by the organization to improve their performance and motivate them. The best performance rewards the share options as well. Therefore to lead the employees in to a correct way the leadership required a, communication between employees, encourage them, adapt them to changes, increase the responsibility among employees, eliminate the conflicts and so on are required in the current organizational context of Tesco. Therefore the Tesco required a leadership to develop communication among the employees, identify the interest of the employees and take the decisions, solve the conflicts among the employees, improve the flexibility among the employees and the management. (Source: 1.3.2 The development of future leadership requirements The Tesco is operating as diversified business units. Due to globalization the retail business will growth very fast as well. Then the Tesco needs different sophisticated technological techniques to develop and carry out the organizational complex operations. The competitive advantage helps to achieve the market share in the global market. The one of the main objective of the Tesco is also the achievement of high profit margins through international and UK market. Therefore the leadership will be highly influential on achieving the competitive advantage to the organization. Some of the employees in the Tesco has stakes of the Tesco, therefore they can be overconfidence and empowered in the future due to the size of their stakes, so the leadership must be there to control them in ethical manner to eliminate the badly influence in business affairs. (Source: 1.4 Plan the development of leadership skills 1.4.1 Development of leadership skills for a Tesco Plc There is diversified business units required a leadership therefore to lead these diversified business units the Tesco required to develop professional skills of the employee to perform according to the condition of the business units business affairs. The Tesco is a global business therefore the most of the leaders must have to work in the outside of the UK of home country, when working in other country there are different behaviors, cultures, ethics and social environment. Therefore the Tesco required improving the different leadership skills of the employees to communication skills, negotiation skills, decision making skills and so on. (Source: 1.4.2 Usefulness of methods to plan the development of leadership skills The professional skills can be improved through discussion with senior managers of the Tesco. The discussion with the senior managers help to get the information about the leadership methods, different behaviors needed in different situations, different aspects of leaderships and etc. And there are nearly 34% of the managers have at least one year experience of working outside the home country, so the discuss with about their experience help to identify the different behaviors, cultures, appropriate leadership styles of those countries. On job training will improve the decision making skills, negotiation skills and etc. the improvement of these skills help to leader to manage any critical situation in the organization and will be able to control the situation. The informal learning will improve the communication skills of the individual leader. Through the communication skills the leader can change the minds of the employees to acceptable condition in any situation (Lussier andÂà ‚  Achua 2009). Conclusion The leadership influence to the strategic management of the organization. The Peter Drucker, F.W. Taylor of leadership styles influence to the strategic decisions and the leadership styles of trait theory and situational theory were also impact on strategic decisions of the organization. Teamwork management style was suitable to discuss the management style of the Tesco and the participatory leadership style help to identify the organizational strategy. The vision leadership strategy expresses the future direction of Tesco. The Tesco required a leadership to fulfill the current requirements of communication, negotiation, responsibility, eliminate conflicts and so on. Due to diversity and need of competitive advantage create the future leadership requirements to the Tesco and these can be develop through on job training, discussion with seniors and informal learning.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Proactive and Reactive MANET Protocols Analysis

Proactive and Reactive MANET Protocols Analysis Ad hoc network Abstract A mobile ad hoc network (MANET) is consisting of wireless mobile nodes. The communication of these mobile nodes is carried out without any centralized control. Routing is a critical issue in MANET. The focus of this thesis is on the performance of routing protocols. We compare three routing protocols in MANET i.e. AODV, DSR and OLSR. OPNET is the simulation tool. These routing protocols performance are analyzed by three important metrics: delay, network load and throughput. All the three routing protocols are explained in a deep way with metrics. The comparison analysis will be carrying out about these protocols and in the last the conclusion will be present. That which routing protocol is the best for mobile ad hoc network. Introduction MANET stands for Mobile Ad hoc Network. A decentralized autonomous wireless system which consists of free nodes. MANET sometimes called mobile mesh network. MANET is a self configurable wireless network. A MANET consists of mobile nodes, a router with multiple hosts and wireless communication devices. The wireless communication devices are as transmitters, receivers and antennas. These antennas can be of any kind. These nodes can be fixed or mobile. The term node referred to as, which are free to move arbitrarily in every direction. These nodes can be a mobile phone, laptop, personal digital assistance, MP3 player and personal computer. These nodes located, might be in cars, ships, airplanes or with people having small electronic devices [59]. Nodes can connect to each other randomly and forming arbitrary topologies. Nodes communicate to each other and also forward packets to neighbor nodes as a router. The ability of self configuration of these nodes makes them more suitable for urg ently required network connection. For example in disaster hit areas where there is no communication infrastructure. It is greatly desired to have a quick communication infrastructure. MANET is the quick remedy for any disaster situation. The word Ad hoc means For a special purpose. So MANET a spontaneous network is useful when dealing with wireless devices in which some of the devices are part of the network only for the duration of a communication session and the need for a dynamic network topology is prominent. The MANET working group (WG) within the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) working specifically on developing IP routing protocols topologies. In order to improve mobile routing and interface definition standards for use within the Internet protocol suite [59]. After huge research work on MANET, still MANET does not have complete formed Internet based standards. The identification of experimental Request For Comments (RFCs) since 2003 [1] is used. In these RFCs the questions are unanswered concerning of implementation or deployment of these routing protocols. But these proposed algorithms are identified as a trial technology and there is a high chance that they will develop into a standard [1]. Extensive research work in this area has continued since then with major studies on different routing protocols such as Ad hoc On-demand Distance Vector (AODV), Dynamic Source Routing (DSR), Temporarily Ordered Routing Algorithm (TORA) and Optimized Link State Routing (OLSR) [1]. Also on the standardization of routing and interface solutions for mobile networking support through Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) Mobile Ad hoc network (MANET) Working Group WG [59]. Aims and Objectives There are two groups of routing protocols. Proactive MANET protocol, Reactive MANET Protocol, and the third are derived from both called Hybrid MANET Protocol. The Proactive MANET protocol is generally called table driven protocol. It detects the network layout periodically. It tries to maintain the routing table at every node. From which a route to the destination from the source can be detected with less delay. Proactive MANET protocols provide good reliability and low latency for deciding a route. Proactive MANET protocol is not suitable for the node moving with high speed. The routing information in the routing table cannot be updated in the routing table. If a node is not moving, then its routing table information is updated continuously. It makes much traffic overhead and also waste network resources as bandwidth [21]. Proactive MANET protocol is also not suitable for large scale MANETs. Whereas Reactive MANET Protocol is called on-demand routing protocol. Reactive MANET Protocol finds the route when a source node requests to communicate with the other. On-demand approach is suitable for the nodes with high mobility. Nodes that transmit data rarely. The main drawback of reactive routing protocols is that the source node broadcasts the routing requests in the whole network. Then it waits for the responses. This route discovery procedure produces significant delay [21]. Hybrid MANET Protocol integrates the merits of Proactive MANET protocol and Reactive MANET Protocol. Zone routing protocol (ZRP) and two zone routing protocols is the example of hybrid of MANET protocol. Research Question Our goal in this Masters thesis is to evaluate the performance of Proactive and Reactive MANET protocols. These protocols have different behaviors for wireless routing aspects. The main problem is to choice the correct and efficient routing protocol for MANET. The main questions arise for the evaluation of these problems. First question is which routing protocol provides a better performance in Mobile Ad hoc Networks? This will give the overall performance of each routing protocol. Second question is what factors influence the performance of these routing protocols? Finally we address the main key differences in these routing protocols. To answer all these questions, we will model some of MANET scenarios with different parameters. To evaluate the performance of Proactive MANET protocol and Reactive MANET Protocols as, AODV, DSR and OLSR with respect to some parameters as delay, network load and throughput. In simulating these scenarios we come to know that no single routing protocol among Proactive MANET protocol and Reactive MANET Protocol is superior in terms of overall network performance. For example one protocol is good in average delay while other is best in network load and throughput. The performance of these routing protocols greatly depends on network load and delay. So the best protocol can give low delay and high throughput. Scope of the thesis As we know the two categories of routing protocols. Reactive, proactive, and the derived one from reactive and proactive protocols are referred to as hybrid routing protocol. The hybrid protocol is a combination of both reactive and proactive routing protocols. In this thesis, we considered three routing protocols. Two of them are reactive protocols i.e. AODV and DSR. One of them is proactive protocol i.e. OLSR. In this thesis we evaluate the behavior of these routing protocols when implemented in the network. We look that how these protocols affect the network performance, and how the routing protocols behave in these networks. There is no need to go in depth the design of these routing protocol algorithms. But we will give a detailed explanation of these routing protocols. That we are able to explain their effects on the network. We did not consider the effects of varying pause time of the mobile nodes in our simulations. These pause time will be kept constant in all the scenarios. Energy consumption of the routing protocol algorithms was also not considered in the thesis. Thesis structure The thesis is mainly divided into six chapters. Chapter 1 introduces the topic. In this chapter we discuss the MANET with detail, and also the research question. Chapter 2 presents the background of our work. Types of wireless networks and some part of related work with example. Chapter 3 gives the state of the art. It gives the full theoretical background and concepts of the ad hoc mobile network routing protocols i.e. reactive MANET protocols and proactive MANET protocols. Chapter 4 is about the performance metrics: delay, network load and throughput and also about the simulation tool OPNET Modeler 14.5. Chapter 5 gives the results and an analysis of all the routing protocols simulated. In chapter 6, the conclusion and future work is presented. Chapter 2 Background and Related Work In this chapter we present the background of our work. Types of wireless networks and some part of related work with example. MANET have a dynamic nature, a large number of applications make them ideal to use. Quick deployment and minimal configuration of MANET in emergencies such as natural disaster makes them more suitable. The growth of technology makes increase in Wi-Fi capable laptops, mobile phones, MP3 players and other small portable devices. Hence a reason for MANET popularity. Extensive research work has been done on the performance evaluation of routing protocols using NS2 network simulator. Different methods and simulation environments give different results for MANET routing protocols performance. We need to look in a broader view for the effects of these routing protocols which are not considered in a specific environment. The theme of this project is to evaluate the performance of Proactive MANET protocols (PMP) and Reactive MANET Protocols (RMP) in OPNET Modeler 14.5 under varying network load [2]. For all these comparisons we will use FTP traffic to look the effects of the ad hoc network protocols. The project goal is to give an extra source of comparison statistics in the research field. In our simulation we have wireless routing protocols carrying FTP traffic. These simulations performed will have a strong link with the theoretical concepts and also with the expected performance in practical implementations. This study work will give a great benef it in the future research work. Related work Extensive research works has been done in the field of MANET routing protocols. Different routing protocols were simulated in different kind of simulators. Here we will discuss different research papers on the performance of MANET routing protocols. In this thesis work we simulate three MANET routing protocols in the OPNET modeler 14.5. AODV, DSR and OLSR were simulated against three different parameters i.e. delay, network load and throughput. The results show that OLSR is best in network delay than AODV and DSR. The protocols best in the network delay must be the finest in the network throughput. Below we will study now different simulators with different routing protocols and their performance. These routing protocols DSDV, AODV, DSR and TORA were simulated using NS2 [3]. Analysis gives different results for every parameter differently. In finding shortest path between the source and destination nodes, delay, DSDV performs well than AODV, DSR and TORA. DSR perform well in network load balancing than DSDV, AODV and TORA. DSDV has good jitter than AODV, TORA and DSR respectively. The results given in [5] analyse DSR and DSDV in idealized and realistic simulation environments on their performance. Another paper in reference [4] gives conclusion in mobile ad hoc network that reactive protocols i.e. AODV and DSR perform well when the network load is moderate. In reference [4] the reactive protocols are saving much resource like energy. It analyse that the proactive protocols perform well in heavy network traffic load. In [6] there are different conclusions about the MANET routing protocols. DSDV, AODV and DSR were simulated in NS2. The reactive protocol AODV outperforms than DSDV and DSR in maintaining connection by sequentially exchange of information for TCP based traffic. The packets are delivered when the node mobility is low and failed to deliver at high mobility. DSR perform well than DSDV at all mobility. In [6] DSR perform well than DSDV and AODV for packet dropping rate (PDR), delay and throughput. DSR generates less network load than AODV. In reference [7], the simulation was done in QUALNET simulator. The author wrote that AODV shows best performance in low and medium node density. Where as in high node density both OLSR and DSR outperforms. The author wrote in [7], that DSR is selected for file transfers where delivery and throughput are critical factors. OLSR performs well in both low and high node density. It is stated in [7] that OLSR is best suited in application oriented traffic e.g. streaming traffic, voice and video traffic. In application based traffic delay is a critical factor. Types of Wireless Networks Before we discuss the wireless networks types, a small difference between wired and wireless network is discussed. A network that sends data from one point to another point with cable or wire is called wired network. The data sent over a network which uses wireless medium from one device to another device is called wireless network. In wireless network data is transmitted from one point to another through wireless links. For communication the devices have to be in the transmission or radio range of each other. Wireless networks are divided into two main groups. First infrastructure wireless network and second is Ad hoc or infrastructure-less network. Infrastructure Networks Fixed network topology is deployed in infrastructure network. These deployed, fixed networks have base stations or access points from which wireless nodes can get connected. All the base stations or access points are connected with the main network through wired links (fiber optic, twisted or coaxial cable) or wireless link. The base station or access point is one of the important units of infrastructure networks. All of the connections will have to pass from the access point. A wireless node can connect to anyone of the access points in its range. Ad hoc Networks An Ad hoc network is deployed where wireless network infrastructure is not available. This kind of ad hoc network is called infrastructure less network. In ad hoc network each node is connected through wireless links. These nodes connected to each other and also act as a router, by forwarding data to other nodes. There is no restriction on these nodes to join or leave the network. Thus the network has no vital infrastructure. Ad hoc networks have two forms; one is static ad hoc networks (SANET), the other is called mobile ad hoc network (MANET). Commercial implementation of ad hoc network becomes possible due to the development of new technology such as 802.11 [5]. The main reason to deploy this kind of network is the flexibility and easiness of deployment. A suitable network for emergency and surveillance use. But with all these qualities, ad hoc network operation is very difficult to handle. Each and every node is responsible for its operation to maintain its routing table and also forwarding packets to its neighbors as routers. MANET has different topology changes while deployed. So ad hoc network need an efficient routing protocol. To construct an efficient routing protocol is a tough and tedious task. Mobile Ad hoc Networks As mentioned before an ad hoc network is a wireless network, which do not have a centralized and fixed infrastructure. MANET is referred to a wireless ad hoc network. In which nodes are free to move arbitrarily. In a MANET, mobile nodes transmit and receive the traffic. Also mobile nodes can act like routers by forwarding the neighbors traffic to the destination. As the routers are mostly multi hops [60]. MANET does not need base stations of wired infrastructure. The mobile nodes in wireless network range can communicate with each other. MANET is self organized network. The mobile nodes form a network automatically without a fixed infrastructure and central management [60]. The mobile nodes have transmitters and receivers with smart antennas, which enable the mobile nodes to communicate with other mobile nodes in the network. The topology of the network change every time by getting in and out of the mobile nodes in the network. In the beginning MANET was designed for military use but now the MANET is used in many areas. Such as in disaster hit areas, data collection in some region, in rescue missions, virtual classes and conferences [60]. This concept with ad hoc network makes the full name of mobile ad hoc network (MANET). By growing the network, combined with the node mobility. The challenges of self configuration of the network become more evident. Security in the MANET is a very important issue. Many techniques were defined for the security of MANET. Intrusion detection technique is investigated in reference [60]. Mobile nodes in the network waste much energy by joining in and out with connection to wireless network. This connection and reconnection create energy limitation in the network. The main purpose of developing the ad hoc routing protocols to cope with the dynamic nature of MANET. The routing protocols efficiency can be determined by the battery power consumption. Energy is consumed during participation of a node in a network and also in routing of traffic. The routing protocol which adapts to the connection tearing and mending is also considered vital. Such routing protocols are AODV, DSR and OLSR, TORA, Wireless Routing Protocol (WRP), Zone Routing Protocol, and Two-Zone Routing Protocol (TZRP) [21]. We will discuss reactive and proactive routing protocols i.e. AODV, DSR and OLSR in chapter 3 respectively. The internet engineering task force (IETF) MANET working group (WG) was dedicated to standardize the routing protocols in MANET. RFC 2501 specifies the charter of the working group [8]. An Example of MANET Application The versatility and self configuration of MANET makes them a best choice for a wide range of applications. MANET can be used in natural disaster areas, pre planed strategic event like surveillance, data collecting in some regions, conferences and virtual classes. In such areas where the fixed infrastructure is not available before. Like earthquake hit areas where the fixed infrastructure has been destroyed, in flooded areas, fire or explosion hit areas, train or air plane crash [21]. A very common use of MANET is during business conferences. The only and key attribute that make MANET ideal is their self configuration and low cost of deployment. Here we will present one practical example. In a virtual class, a WiMAX radio link may be established. Then a MANET access network can be established to give coverage to those areas that is difficult to cover. The nodes far away from the base station rely on midway nodes for communication. Thus provide a best communication network in such hostile situation. Above in figure 1, a deployed MANET over WiMAX backbone is shown. In this figure the mobile nodes and the WiMAX_WLAN Router form a MANET. These nodes are connected to the WiMAX_WLAN router and the router is further connected to the WiMAX network. The router is working like a boundary between the MANET and the WiMAX. The WiMAX_WLAN router is capable of translation between the MANET protocols and the WiMAX network protocols, and also the backbone protocols the WiMAX is connected with. The figure 1 is shown above. Chapter 3 Ad hoc Networks Routing Protocols The theoretical concepts of ad hoc routing protocols are discussed in this chapter. The behaviors of proactive and reactive routing protocols will be analyzed. Routing Routing means to choose a path. Routing in MANET means to choose a right and suitable path to the destination from the source. Routing terminology is used in different kinds of networks. In telephony technology, electronic data networks and in the internet network, the term routing is used. Here we are more concern about routing in mobile ad hoc networks. Routing protocols in mobile ad hoc network means that the mobile nodes will search for a route or path to connect to each other and share the data packets. Protocols are the set of rules through which two or more devices (mobile nodes, computers or electronic device) can communicate to each other. In mobile ad hoc networks the routing is mostly done with the help of routing tables. These tables are kept in the memory cache of these mobile nodes. When routing process is going on, it route the data packets in different mechanisms. The first is unicast, in which the source directly sends the data packets to the destination. The second is broadcast; it means the source node sends messages to all the near and far nodes in the network. The third is anycast, in this the source node sends data packet to anyone which is not in the node group. Routing types Routing has two basic types, which are as under Static Routing Dynamic Routing Static routing is done by the administrator manually to forward the data packets in the network. Static routing is permanent. No any administrator can change this setting [29]. These static routers are configured by the administrator, which means there is no need to make routing tables by the router. Dynamic Routing is automatically done by the choice of router. It can route the traffic on any route depend on the routing table. Dynamic routing allows the routers to know about the networks and the interesting thing is to add this information in their routing tables. This is shown in the figure 3.1 below. In dynamic routing the routers exchange the routing information if there is some change in the topology [61]. Exchanging information between these dynamic routers learn to know about the new routes and networks. Dynamic routing is more flexible than static routing. In dynamic routing it have the capability to overcome the overload traffic. Dynamic routing uses different paths to forward the data packets. Dynamic routing is better than static routing. Routing protocols There are several kinds of routing protocols for wireless ad hoc networks. These routing protocols are categorized as reactive or proactive routing protocols [8]. The ad hoc routing protocols which have both proactive and reactive merits, is called hybrid routing protocols. The first kind of protocol is proactive or table driven routing protocol. The second kind of protocol is called reactive or on-demand routing protocol. The first kind of protocol is simply called Proactive MANET Protocol (PMP). Proactive routing protocol detects the layout of the network actively. A routing table can be maintained at every node. From which a route can be determined with less delay. The proactive routing protocols provide good reliability on the current network topology [21] and low latency for deciding a route. The OLSR is a proactive routing protocol. The second kind of protocol is simply called Reactive MANET Protocol (RMP). In these kinds of protocols the communication is only possible when the source node requests to communicate with the other node. Reactive MANET Protocols are mostly suited for nodes with high mobility or nodes that transmit data rarely. There are some reactive routing protocols which we will consider here. These reactive routing protocols include AODV, DSR and TORA. An ad hoc routing protocol is a standard. That controls the decision of the nodes that which route the nodes have to take to the destination from the source node. When a node wants to join a network, it discovers the topology by announcing its presence, and listening to broadcasts from other nodes in the network. This routing discovery is performed differently according to the routing protocol algorithm implemented in the network. Proactive Routing Protocols The routing information about all the nodes is build and maintained by the proactive protocols. The proactive routing protocols are independent of whether or not the route is needed [62]. Control messages are transmitted with periodically intervals. Even if there is no data flow still control messages are transmitted. Because of these control messages proactive routing protocols are not bandwidth efficient. There are many advantages and disadvantages of proactive routing protocols. One of its advantages is that the nodes can easily get routing information, and it easily starts a session. The disadvantages are, too much data kept by the nodes for route maintenance, when there is a particular link failure its reform is too slow. OLSR (Optimized Link State Routing) It is a proactive routing protocol in MANET. It is also called as table driven protocol because it permanently stores and updates its routing table. OLSR keeps track of routing table in order to provide a route if needed. OLSR can be implemented in any ad hoc network. Due to its nature OLSR is called as proactive routing protocol. MPR nodes are shown in the given figure 3.2. All nodes in the network do not broadcast the route packets. Just Multipoint Relay (MPR) nodes broadcast route packets. These MPR nodes can be selected in the neighbor of source node. Each node in the network keeps a list of MPR nodes. This MPR selector is obtained from HELLO packets sending between in neighbor nodes. These routes are built before any source node intends to send to a specified destination. Each and every node in the network keeps a routing table. This is the reason the routing overhead for OLSR is minimum than other reactive routing protocols and it provide a shortest route to the destination in the network. There is no need to build the new routes, as the existing in use route does not increase enough routing overhead. It reduces the route discovery delay. Nodes in the network send HELLO messages to their neighbors. These messages are sent at a predetermined interval in OLSR to determine the link status. Here we can understand this by Figure 3.3. If node A and node B are neighbors, node A sends HELLO message to B node. If B node receives this message, we can say the link is asymmetric. If now B node sends the same HELLO message to A node. This is the same as first case, called asymmetric link. Now if the two way communication is possible then we can call it symmetric link, as shown in Figure 3.3. The HELLO messages contain all the neighbor information. This enables the mobile node to have a table in which it has information about all its multiple hop neighbors. A node chooses minimal number of MPR nodes, when symmetric connections are made. It broadcast TC messages with information about link status at predetermined TC interval [62]. TC messages also calculate the routing tables. In TC messages MPR node information are also included. Reactive Routing Protocols Reactive routing protocols are called on-demand routing protocols. These routing protocols are called when they are required. So the routes are built when they are needed. These routes can be acquired by sending route requests through the network. Disadvantage of this algorithm is that it offers high latency in searching a network. We will consider AODV and DSR in this report. But the analysis will be of AODV and DSR in the fifth chapter. AODV (Ad hoc On-demand Distance Vector) AODV is an on-demand routing protocol. The AODV algorithm gives an easy way to get change in the link situation. For example if a link fails notifications are sent only to the affected nodes in the network. This notification cancels all the routes through this affected node. It builds unicast routes from source to the destination. The network usage is least. Since the routes are build on demand so the network traffic is minimum. AODV not allowing keeping extra routing which is not in use [63]. Two nodes wish to establish a connection in an ad hoc network. AODV is responsible to enable them to build a multihop route. AODV is loop free. AODV uses Destination Sequence Numbers (DSN) to avoid counting to infinity. This is the characteristic of this algorithm. When a node send request to a destination, it sends its DSNs together with all routing information. It also selects the most favorable route based on the sequence number [11]. There are three AODV messages. One is Route Request (RREQs), Route Replies (RREPs), and Route Errors (RERRs) [1]. By using UDP packets, the sources to destination routes are discovered and maintain by these messages. For example the node which request, will use its IP address as Originator IP address for the message for broadcast. It simply means that the AODV not blindly forwarded every message. The number of hops of routing messages in ad hoc network is determined by Time-To-Live (TTL) in the IP header. When the source node wants to create a new route to the destination, the requesting node broadcast an RREQ message in the network. In the figure 3.4 the RREQ message is broadcasted from source node A to the destination node B. The RREQ message is shown by the black line from source node A to many directions. The source node A broadcast the RREQ message in the neighbor nodes. When the neighbor nodes receive the RREQ message it creates a reverse route to the source node A. This neighbor node is the next hop to the source node A. The hop count of the RREQ is incremented by one. The neighbor node will check if it has an active route to the destination or not. If it has a route so it will forward a RREP to the source node A. If it does not have an active route to the destination it will broadcast the RREQ message in the network again with an incremented hop count value. The figure 3.4 shows the procedure for finding the destination node B. The RREQ message is flooded in the network in sea rching for finding the destination node B. The intermediate nodes can reply to the RREQ message only if they have the destination sequence number (DSN) equal to or greater than the number contained in the packet header of RREQ. The intermediate nodes forward the RREQ message to the neighbor nodes and record it in their routing table. The addresses of the neighbor nodes from which it get the RREQ message. This information will be used to make a reverse path for RREP message from the destination node. When the message reach to the destination node. It calculates the shortest path to the source. In the figure 3.4 it is shown. The destination node B replies with RREP message denoted by the dotted orange color line. From node A to node B the shortest path is the lower one shown with dotted line. These nodes routes information were saved in the routing tables and were used to build a reverse route from destination to the source node with the message RREP. The request reach to the destinat ion and then RREP has reached to the originator of the request. This route is only available by unicasting a RREP back to the source. The nodes receiving these messages are cached from originator of the RREQ to all the nodes. When a link is failed an RERR message is generated. RERR message contains information about nodes that are not reachable. The IP addresses of all the nodes which are as their next hop to the destination. All the routing information about the network is stored in the table. The routing table have these route entries; (i) destination IP address, (ii) Destination Sequence Number (DSN), (iii) Valid Destination Sequence Number flag (iv) other state and routing flags (e.g., valid, invalid, repairable being repaired) (v) network interface (vi) hop count (number of hops needed to reach destination) (vii) next hop (viii) the list of precursors and lifetime (Expiration time of the route). DSR (Dynamic Source Routing) Dynamic Source Routing Protocol is a reactive routing protocol. DSR is on demand routing protocol. It is a source routing protocol. It is a simple and efficient protocol. It can be used in multi hop wireless ad hoc networks [64].